Save Money When Using Solicitors In Devon

If you considering using a firm of solicitors in Devon, it doesn’t need to be an expensive experience.
With a little planning, it’s perfectly possible to save a small fortune on your legal bill – and in some cases, even get free legal advice.
Here are some really simple ways you can save money on your legal bill, and keep more of your hard-earned pounds in your pocket!
Always Get Quotes From Several Firms Of Solicitors In Devon
Legal fees can vary quite a lot, even between firms of solicitors in Devon located in the same high street! Before you ever instruct any firm of solicitors in Devon to act for you, you should ideally get quotations from at least three different firms of solicitors in Devon and compare them. Sometimes, smaller firms can have lower overheads and quote lower fees as a result (but this isn’t always the case)
Don’t Be Afraid To Haggle With Local Solicitors
We are living in tough economic times, and most things are negotiable – including legal fees! If a firm of solicitors in Devon is having a quiet period, they may well be prepared to offer you a discount on their normal rates – especially if the work involved with your case is relatively straightforward. But, as the old adage says, if you don’t ask, you don’t get!
It’s always worth asking if a discount is available. At the end of the day, solicitors in Devon are in the business of selling their time. If you have short-listed a few solicitors in Devon and they are all quoting similar fees, don’t feel embarrassed about going back and asking for a discount.The worst that they can say is no, but you may be pleasantly surprised at how often you can save money just by being a little cheeky and asking.
Check If You Qualify For Legal Aid
If you are on benefits or have a low income, you may qualify for legal aid for certain types of legal work. If you think you could be entitled to legal aid, it’s worth mentioning it to solicitors in Devon when you are getting quotations.
Can You Get A Fixed Fee Legal Package?
Solicitors in Devon will generally charge fees based on the amount of time they spend working on a case. However, many solicitors in Devon will also offer ‘all inclusive’ fixed-fee legal packages for certain types of legal work if you ask them. Typically, you should be able to easily get fixed-fee rates for things like conveyancing (i.e. buying or selling a property) or making a will. You may also be able to get a fixed-fee deal if your legal work is relatively simple, so it’s always worth asking solicitors in Devon to see if one is available.
Will Your Solicitors In Devon Work On A No Win-No Fee Basis?
Many solicitors in Devon are prepared to work on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis for certain types of legal work. One of the most common areas for ‘no win, no fee’ arrangements are personal injury claims, where someone has been injured through no fault of their own.
With ‘no win, no fee’ arrangements, your solicitor’s fees are paid by the other party if your claim is successful. But if you lose your claim, there is no legal fee to pay. As you might expect, many solicitors in Devon will normally only take on ‘no win, no fee’ cases when there is a high likelihood of you winning your claim.
Can You get Free Legal Advice Under Your Insurance?
It’s quite common for most household and motor insurance policies to have a package of legal cover included within the policy. With basic insurance policies, this legal cover usually consists of a free helpline where you can speak to a qualified solicitor and get free legal advice over the phone. This can be very handy if you want to get some background legal advice before instructing a firm of solicitors in Devon to act for you.
More comprehensive insurance policies may even pay your legal fees for certain types of claims. As an example, if you have a Prudential home insurance policy, you may be covered for up to £50,000 of legal expenses in connection with: contract and property disputes (involving goods, services, or buying / selling property), personal injury (at work or in a public place), legal defence (following a prosecution) and employment disputes (such as unfair dismissal or discrimination)
So, if you have a household or motor insurance policy, it’s worth checking it to see if you are covered. After all, it could save you a small fortune if you are.
Can You Do Any Administration Work Yourself?
Remember that each time your solicitor writes a letter to someone asking for information or documents, it’s costing you money. For example, if your solicitor needs documents in connection with your case and you can get hold of these documents yourself, you’ll often save money by doing so.
Agree A Fee Budget With Your Solicitors In Devon
It’s very easy for legal costs to quickly mount up, leaving you with an unpleasant surprise down the line. To prevent this from happening, you may wish to set an interim fee budget with your solicitors in Devon.
This is really easy to do. Just tell your solicitor to notify you when their fees have reached a certain pre-agreed level. You can then review the progress up to that point, before then agreeing another interim budget. By taking this approach, you’ll always have a good idea of exactly what your legal fees are.
It’s also worthwhile agreeing a policy for correspondence. Some solicitors in Devon will automatically write to you to confirm receipt of every letter you send to them. So if you send them some documents, they will write a letter to you confirming that they have received these documents – and then typically charge you £25 – £30 for this letter!
If you don’t want this additional expense, you can instruct your solicitor not to send you these unnecessary ‘admin’ letters. Not only will this help save the environment, but it will also save you a small fortune into the bargain!
Give Your Solicitors In Devon Clear Instructions
Make sure that your solicitor understands exactly what you want to achieve. The clearer your instructions are, then the faster your solicitor will be able to work on your case and the smaller your bill will be.
Don’t Use Your Solicitor As A Therapist
Whenever you are involved in any kind of legal situation, it can sometimes be a stressful experience. Avoid the temptation to call your solicitors in Devon for personal or emotional support. Remember that you will be charged for the time they spend listening to you, and even a brief phone call can easily add another £30 or £40 to your bill. Try to only call your solicitor when you have a legal question, or need an update on the progress of your case.
How To Find The Best Value Solicitors In Devon
Having read through our tips, now is a good time to put them into practice and start getting some quotes while they are fresh in your mind.
Start off by searching our database of solicitors in Devon. It only takes a couple of clicks, and you’ll be able to immediately see all the local solicitors in Devon sorted by Town or City together with information about each firm.
Follow our simple tips, and you’ll be well on your way to finding a good firm of solicitors in Devon – hopefully, for a lot less!